Federica Toffolutti, Stefano Guzzinati, Angela De Paoli, Fabiola Giudici, Silvia Francisci, Diego Serraino,Luigino Dal Maso, AIRTUM Working Group
Granada, 14 -16 November 2023
People living after breast (BC) or colorectal cancer (CRC) are increasing. Since information on longterm survival or cure for these patients is limited, this study aimed to describe four indicators of cancer cure for Italian patients with BC and CRC by sex, age, and stage at diagnosis.
This study included 31 Italian cancer registries (CRs), 6 in the analyses by stage. Mixture cure models were applied to estimate: Net Survival (NS);Cure Fraction (CF); Time To Cure (TTC, 5-year conditional NS>95%); Prevalent patients who were not at risk of dying as a result of cancer; Patients living longer than TTC.
For women with BC aged<75 years, CF was 77% (>70% in all age groups), 99% for patients diagnosed at stage I, 84% at stage II, and 42% at stages III-IV. For CRC, CF was 60% in men (64% in women), 91% (both sexes) at stage I, and ~40% at stages III-IV. At 1/1/2018, 2.6% of all Italian women (806,410) were alive after BC and 87.5% will not die of BC, 91.7% for women diagnosed >5 years, 94.7% >10 years (i.e., the residual proportion of deaths for BC was 8.3% for those alive since >5 years and 5.3% since >10 years). Persons living after CRC were 422,407, 90.3% will not die of their disease (97.3% since >5 years, 99.0% since >10 years). TTC is <10 years for CRC regardless of sex, age, and stage, while only for stage I BC. The proportion of prevalent BC patients alive since >TTC was 53% (72% for stage I, 7% for stages III-IV), 51% for CRC in men, and 64% in women.
Discussion and Conclusions
Indicators of cancer cure, in particular by stage, may be relevant for patients and clinical practice, reducing the gap between the currently available data and individual needs.